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- Preface
- Introduction
- Chronlology
- 1-50
- 51-100
- 101-150
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- 251-300
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- 401-450
- 451-500
- 501-550
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- 701-750
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- 801-850
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- 951-1000
- 1001-1050
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- 1101-1150
- 1151-1200
- 1201-1250
- 1251-1300
- 1301-1350
- 1351-1400
- 1401-1450
- 1451-1500
- 1501-1550
- 1551-1600
- 1601-1650
- 1651-1700
- 1701-1750
- 1751-1803
- 1804-1828
- Abbrv
- Footnotes
- Index
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
1109 + 30. This is the day for the renewal of vows. Immediately upon my awakening, God‟s presence enveloped me, and I felt I was a child of God.
Divine love was poured into my soul, and God gave me to see how everything depended on His will. He spoke these words to me: I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My mercy. Then he said to me, My daughter, fear nothing. I am always with you, even if it seems to you that I am not. Your humility draws Me down from My lofty throne, and I unite Myself closely with you. 1110 29 [April 1937]. The Lord gave me to know about the disputes 192 that were going on in the Vatican concerning this Feast. The dignitary Pacelli did much work on this.