In a film directed by J. Paddy Nolan and produced by Pious Publications JPN Production in 1991 (before Faustina was even beatified), Fr. Seraphim guides viewers along the geographical and spiritual paths that defined the future saint.
- Home
- Preface
- Introduction
- Chronlology
- 1-50
- 51-100
- 101-150
- 151-200
- 201-250
- 251-300
- 301-350
- 351-400
- 401-450
- 451-500
- 501-550
- 551-600
- 601-650
- 651-700
- 701-750
- 751-800
- 801-850
- 851-900
- 901-950
- 951-1000
- 1001-1050
- 1051-1100
- 1101-1150
- 1151-1200
- 1201-1250
- 1251-1300
- 1301-1350
- 1351-1400
- 1401-1450
- 1451-1500
- 1501-1550
- 1551-1600
- 1601-1650
- 1651-1700
- 1701-1750
- 1751-1803
- 1804-1828
- Abbrv
- Footnotes
- Index