Lent is a very special time for the work of priests. We should assist them in rescuing souls. 932 A few days ago, I wrote to my director [probably Father Andrasz 168], asking permission for some little mortification's during Lent. As I did not have the doctor‟s permission to go to town, I had to do this by letter. But Ash Wednesday is already here, and I still have no answer. This morning after Holy Communion, I asked Jesus to inspire my director with His light so that he would answer me, and I knew in my soul that Father was not against my practising these mortification's for which I had asked permission, and that he would give his permission. So, in peace, I began to undertake these practices. That same afternoon I received a letter from Father, saying that he readily gives me permission to undertake those practices for which I had asked (283) permission. I was very pleased that my interior knowledge was in agreement with my spiritual Father‟s opinion.
933 Then I heard the following words in my soul: You will receive a greater reward for your obedience and subjection to your confessor than you will for the practices which you will be carrying out. Know this, My daughter, and act accordingly: anything, no matter how small it be, that has the seal of obedience to My representative is pleasing to Me and great in My eyes.