"I desire that there be such a Congregation" (Diary, 437).
"I place in your care two pearls very precious to My Heart:
these are the souls of priests and religious. You will pray particularly for them; their power will come from your devastation" (Diary, 531).
In the last few weeks before Sister Faustina's death, Father Sopoćko met with her twice in Cracow. During these meetings he received from her the last instructions, her last will, which he carried out after her death.
Father Michał Sopoćko obeyed the words passed by sister Faustina on her death bed.
He waited patiently for the sign of God's Will. In 1939, WWII broke out. During this cruel time, Father Sopoćko did whatever he could to speak to people about the Divine Mercy. Meetings of the Catholic Intelligence Association and Marian Sodality of Academy Students were taking place at his house. At those meetings a graduate of classical philology from the Batory's University of Vilnius, Jadwiga Osińska, was the one who stood out. One day she confessed to Father Sopoćko that she intended to offer herself solely for God's service, but she was unable to find the right congregation. She asked for prayers and help, adding that she had a few friends who thought the same as her.
In November 1941, the next candidate emerged out of the group led by Father Sopoćko - Izabella Naborowska (Sister Benigna). Then, on January 26, 1942, other members joined them – Ludmiła, Roszko, Zofia Komorowska, Adela Alibekow and Jadwiga Malikiewiczówna. This was how "the first six" were formed. Father Sopoćko gave all of them religious names. He wrote for them a general set of rules and set a weekly conference about the inner life. The formation meetings of the six candidates for the rising congregation were held at the place of Father Sopoćko. The sisters planned to start communitarian life after the war.
During the lasting military occupation Germans organized widely spread action against clergy. On March 3, 1942, they arrested professors and seminarians of the theological seminary and almost all the priests working in Vilnius. The trap was also set at the Father Sopoćko’s place. He was warned in time, left in disguise, and was able to get to the convent of Ursulines in Czarny Bór, where he hid for two and a half years working as a carpenter. He stayed in touch with the six sisters through letters. Every now and then, taking precautionary measures, one of them would visit him. Most often it was Faustina Osińska. The sisters who decided to offer their lives to God’s service met in Vilnius at the conferences scheduled with Prelate Żebrowski, whom Father Sopoćko asked for spiritual care over them.
On the April 11, 1942, on the eve of the Divine Mercy Feast, the six candidates took their temporary religious vows. The Sisters took on the name of Servants of the Merciful God and, even though they still lived with their families, from now on their lives took on a the religious character of a convent. For Father Sopoćko this was the expected sign of Providence.
In this Carmelite Convent, 29 Popławska Street, Vilnius,
the sisters of the new congregation took their first religious vows. After Father Sopoćko’s return to Vilnius on August 19, 1944, the sisters expressed the need to renew their vows. Thus, on November 9, 1944, Father Sopoćko started with "the first six" a retreat that was to be their immediate preparation for the ceremony of their vows planned for November 16. After the war ended in 1945 and Lithuania was annexed by the USSR, a mass resettlement of Poles from Vilnius and its region to Poland began. Archbishop Jałbrzykowski, with the entire Curia and the Seminary, was forced to leave Vilnius. Three sisters also left for Poland. Therefore, on November 16, 1945 only three sisters renewed their vows. The sisters longed for living their lives at the convent, for finding at least the most humble place, where in a community they could glorify the Merciful God. As there was no hope for this in Vilnius at those times, the ones who stayed decided to go to Poland as well. On August 24, 1946, they paid their last visit to Father Michael Sopoćko to receive the blessings and advice for their new life.
Upon arriving in Poland, on November 16, 1946, the six sisters met in Poznań to renew their vows. Holy Mass was celebrated by a Jesuit, Father Siwek. At that time the sisters decided how they would implement the idea of the Divine Mercy in their lives. Some of them decided to start a religious congregation, others - a lay institute, and still others, feeling responsible for their families, to stay spiritually connected with their sisters in lay life. In this way they started to work on the three aspects of vocation about which Sister Faustina had spoken.
Sister Faustina and sister Benigna – first mothers of the new congregation
To start a religious congregation, Sisters Faustina Osińska and Benigna Naborowska needed to ask a bishop for permission to establish a monastic house in his diocese. They were helped in this matter by Father Władysław Wantuchowski, a Jesuit, in whom they found their spiritual guardian after their arrival to Poland. He asked the apostolic administrator of Gorzów Wielkopolski, Father Edmund Nowicki, to give his sisters permission to settle in his diocese and to assign them to service at the parish church. Father Nowicki gladly responded to this request and offered to the sisters, among others, a parish in Myślibórz. The description of the first visit of the sisters in Myślibórz in Sister Faustina Osińska's "Diary":
Following numerous efforts (times of communism), on August 25, 1947, sisters Faustina and Benigna, began a communal monastic life at the parish in Myślibórz - the place offered to them by the apostolic administrator in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Father Edmund Nowicki. They notified Father Michał Sopoćko about this fact, who, called by Archbishop Jałbrzykowski, arrived in Poland with the last transport of the people displaced from Lithuania and was staying in Białystok.
In Białystok Father Sopoćko had been working andfulfilling his pastoral duties until the end of his life (about 30 years). He also regularly kept in touch with the sisters from Myślibórz - watching over the spiritual and material development of the newly founded Congregation. For a couple of years also Father Józef Andrasz, a Jesuit, the Cracow confessor of Sister Faustina, stayed in touch with the new congregation, offering his advice and spiritual support.
Fragment of Father Sopoćko's letter of November 12, 1947 to the newly created community of sisters in Myślibórz:
On August 6, 1955, the sisters put on white monastic habits, which were later,
at the order of the Curia, changed into black.
at the order of the Curia, changed into black.
Fragment of letter by Father Józef Andrasz SJ
Rabka, August 8, 1955
"Dear Sister Benigna,
(...) I think that you will receive this letter still before the Assumption, thus on this day I am sincerely congratulating both of you - Sisters Benigna and Faustina - that the Merciful Jesus let you to be the first ones in the Congregation to devote yourself through perpetual vows to complete service - sacrifice - love - in the spirit of this Congregation, which is to bring a more and more abundant flood of Divine Mercy on the evil, infatuated, and miserable contemporary world. Dear Sisters, I will be deeply entrusting you to the Most Holy Mary Mother of God on the day of Her great triumph, so She - as the Virgin Most Prudent and the Seat of Wisdom - will send you an abundance of light, since this Congregation is to be shaped to a great extent by You, my Dear Sisters. You are the root of Your traditions, of the internal passion of the Congregation and its external momentum. Let this beautiful day in Your life be blessed by heaven with smiles, that brighten a heart, and strong graces, that will build a great structure.
To the honourable Father Wantuchowski, who so graciously was involved by Divine Providence with the work of Mercy and who has been so willingly devoting himself to Your Congregation, I am sending "plurimam salutem in SS Corde Jesu". Perhaps one day such a "heavy Chevalier" as myself will visit the regions of Szczecin and Myślibórz - although I cannot find anything about this in Sister Faustina's prophecy; then, of course, I will pay a return visit to the House of Mercy and its residents, as well as the respectable Parish Priest, who did kindly visit me in Cracow. I do have a lot of work to do, including the continuation of the Biography of our dear Sister Faustina. I send you both my Dear Sisters sincere greetings and the wishes of an abundance of God's graces on the day of your vows and also my blessing.Sincerely, Father J. Andrasz SJ"
"The Diary" of Saint Sister Faustina provides the words of Lord Jesus, which determine the purpose and spirituality of the new religious community:
"…God demands that there be a Congregation which will proclaim the mercy of God to the world and, by its prayers, obtain it for the world" (Diary, 436)."... I saw Jesus in all His unspeakable beauty. He said to me that He desired that such a Congregation be founded as soon as possible – and you shall live in it together with your companions. My Spirit shall be the rule of your life. Your life is to be modeled on Mine, from the crib to My death on the Cross. Penetrate My mysteries, and you will know the abyss of My mercy towards creatures and My unfathomable goodness - and this you shall make known to the world. Through your prayers, you shall mediate between heaven and earth" (Diary, 438)."Your purpose and that of your companions is to unite yourselves with me as closely as possible; through love You will reconcile earth with heaven, you will soften the just anger of God, and you will plead for mercy for the world. I place in your care two pearls very precious to My Heart: these are the souls of priests and religious. You will pray particularly for them; their power will come from your devastation" (Diary, 531).
The first visit of Father Michael Sopocko at Sisters' in Myœlibórz described in the religious "Diary".
It was 1947. At the railway station in Myślibórz - heavily chugging, a train stopped. A few people got off, among them one could spot the slightly leaning figure of a 59-year old priest dressed in a bit threadbare cassock. His curious, blue eyes were sparkling from behind glasses. His deep and penetrating gaze swept across the faces of those well-known sisters waiting for him. Following the initial, very quick and balanced welcoming gestures, he asked: "Is there a small church near your convent?" - "Yes, Father" - the Sisters answered astonished. "And is there a stained-glass window in this church?" - "Yes, Father. And how do you know?" - "Please, take me there immediately". The Reverend Professor was rushing, not paying attention to passers-by or streets. He entered through a gate – first, the fruit garden, and then – the church, and for a long time stayed in the church alone with the writings of the sister, whom he believed was a saint. He knelt down and prayed, looking with emotion at the window with its slightly damaged stained-glass, which he had been told about by Sister Faustina. Everything was as she said – the stained-glass window depicted the scene of crucifixion, and beneath the cross he noted entwined shoots of red roses.
The stained-glass window in the Church of the Holy Cross in Myślibórz
"Almost everything that Sister Faustina foretold in the matter of that Congregation happened precisely as she had said. When on November 16, 1944 in Vilnius I accepted at night the private vows of the first six sisters, or when three years later I came to the first house of this Congregation in Myślibórz, I was amazed by the striking similarity to what the late Sister Faustina had told me (...) In the altar's nave I noticed a slightly broken stained glass window, which portrayed Jesus' death on the cross. I gazed at it with joy and amazement, because Sister Faustina spoke to me of such a church and a stained glass window" (Father Michael Sopoćko, “Memoirs” 1948).
The Church of the Holy Cross in Myślibórz, with the stained glass window over the high altar,
built by Polish workers in 1905 (the year of Saint Faustina’s birth),
was the only catholic church in the area that was then part of Germany.
built by Polish workers in 1905 (the year of Saint Faustina’s birth),
was the only catholic church in the area that was then part of Germany.
On August 1, 1993 the archbishop Marian Przykucki solemnly brought the relics of blessed sister Faustina to the convent in Myślibórz. On this day, by his decree, the church and the convent were elevated to the rank of Sanctuary of Divine Mercy.
Fragment of the Archbishop's decree:
“The church and convent mentioned in the prophetic vision of Sister Faustina and described in her Diary seem to be a place indicated by Divine Providence for the special devotion of the Divine Mercy, and a support for the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus (...). Let Divine Mercy be worshipped in this place for all times, let this place, selected by Sister Faustina, be supported through her intercession, let our faithful worshippers experience in this place a special mercy and ensure themselves earthly well-being and eternal life".
+ Marian Przykucki, Metropolitan Archbishop Szczecińsko-Kamieński
The Motherhouse of the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus in Myślibórz
The new house of the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus in Myślibórz with the Jesus,
the King of Mercy chapel. The house in Myślibórz, fully-furnished and equipped,
was given as a gift by Anna and Roman Kluska to serve as a religious home of the Sisters.
the King of Mercy chapel. The house in Myślibórz, fully-furnished and equipped,
was given as a gift by Anna and Roman Kluska to serve as a religious home of the Sisters.
“I saw the convent of the new Congregation.
It was a large and spacious building.
I went from room to room, observing everything.
I saw that Divine Providence had provided all that was necessary” (Diary, 1154).
In 1973 the Congregation assumed the new, shortened name: the Sisters of Merciful Jesus. At present, the Congregation implements its charisma, acquired from their founder, in a few dozen congregation houses in Poland and abroad. The main feature of the congregation's spirituality is the contemplation of God in His Mercy, limitless trust, and following Jesus in practising works of mercy, especially towards the most needy. Together with a multitude of lay worshippers of the Divine Mercy, Sisters of this Congregation spread the worship of Merciful Jesus. Through prayer and devoted service to others, they continuously obtain Divine Mercy for the world, and in particular, the grace of mercy for the dying and the grace of the Lord's blessing for priests and religious persons.
With their apostolic activities, the Sisters try to respond to the present needs of the Church. Among other things, they run hospices and centres for the protection of unborn children, conduct retreats and catechize.
Through their daily prayers, "Jesus, I trust in You", they entrust the apostolic works and the testimony of their lives to Divine Mercy. For them, the religious vows mean complete entrustment to God. They do not rely on their own strengths, but on the Divine omnipotence.
The formula of the vows:
"The Merciful God, please accept this sacrifice of my heart, complete and entire, until devastation of myself in love and Your sacred service".
"The Merciful God, please accept this sacrifice of my heart, complete and entire, until devastation of myself in love and Your sacred service".
A thanksgiving prayer concluding the ceremony of perpetual vows
of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus Myślibórz, August 4, 2013
of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus Myślibórz, August 4, 2013
Saint Sister Faustina: "During Mass, I received a clear and profound understanding concerning this whole work, and not a shadow of a doubt remained in my soul. The Lord gave me knowledge of His will under three aspects, so to speak, but it all comes down to one” (Diary, 1154)."His thought [Father Sopoćko, the founder of the Congregation] is closely united with Mine, so be at peace about what concerns My work. I will not let him make a mistake, and you should do nothing without his permission" (Diary, 1408).
On May 13, 2008, the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus, founded in obedience
to the Church and its evangelical mission, was approved as a monastic institute under papal laws. (see copy of decree)
At each of the houses of the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus
the hour of death of the Saviour is celebrated daily
“In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others simply by asking;
it was the hour of grace for the whole world
- mercy triumphed over justice " (Diary, 1572).
it was the hour of grace for the whole world
- mercy triumphed over justice " (Diary, 1572).
PRAYERS INTENTIONS:e-mail: sopocko@faustyna.eu
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The texts may be copied only on the condition that the full name of the source is acknowledged
and an active link to www.faustina-message.com is provided.