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- Preface
- Introduction
- Chronlology
- 1-50
- 51-100
- 101-150
- 151-200
- 201-250
- 251-300
- 301-350
- 351-400
- 401-450
- 451-500
- 501-550
- 551-600
- 601-650
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- 701-750
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- 801-850
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- 951-1000
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- 1101-1150
- 1151-1200
- 1201-1250
- 1251-1300
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- 1351-1400
- 1401-1450
- 1451-1500
- 1501-1550
- 1551-1600
- 1601-1650
- 1651-1700
- 1701-1750
- 1751-1803
- 1804-1828
- Abbrv
- Footnotes
- Index
Saturday, 16 May 2015
645 Then I saw the Lord Jesus, as He is represented in the image, and He said to me, Tell the confessor that this work is Mine and that I am using you as a lowly instrument.
And I said, “Jesus, I can no longer do anything You command me to do, because my confessor has told me that all this is an illusion, and that I am not allowed to obey any of Your commands. I will do nothing that You will tell me to do now. I am sorry, my Lord, but I am not allowed to do anything, and I must obey my confessor. Jesus, I most earnestly ask Your pardon. You know how much I suffer because of this, but it can‟t be helped, Jesus. The confessor has forbidden me to follow Your orders.” Jesus listened to my arguments and complaints with kindness and satisfaction. I thought (102) the Lord Jesus would be grievously offended but, on the contrary, He was pleased and said to me kindly, Always tell your confessor about everything I say to you and command you to do, and do only that for which you obtain permission. Do not be upset, and fear nothing; I am with you. My soul was filled with joy, and all those oppressive thoughts vanished. Certitude and courage entered my soul.