Monday 5 October 2015

1346 During Holy Mass, which was celebrated by Father Andrasz, I saw the Infant Jesus

who, with hands outstretched toward us, was sitting in the chalice being used at Holy Mass. After gazing at me penetratingly, He spoke these words: As you see Me in this chalice, so I dwell in your heart. 1347 + Holy Confession. After giving an account of my conscience, I was given the permission I asked for: To wear the bracelet for half an hour every day during Holy Mass, and in times of difficulty, to wear the belt for two hours. [Father said,] “Sister, persevere in this great faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.” 1348 (13) Fifth day. When I entered the chapel this morning, I learned that Mother Superior has had some trouble on my account. This hurt me very much. After Holy Communion, I leaned my head on the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and said, “O my Lord, I beg You, let all the consolation that I am experiencing through Your presence in my heart be poured out into the soul of my dear Mother Superior, who has had some trouble because of me, and this involuntarily on my part.” 1349 Jesus comforted me, saying that both our souls had benefited from this. But I begged the Lord to deign to spare me from being the occasion of anyone‟s suffering, as my heart could not bear this. 1350 O white Host, You preserve my soul in whiteness; I fear the day when I might forsake You. You are the Bread of Angels, and thus also the Bread of Virgins. 1351 Jesus, my most perfect model, with my eyes