
Friday 11 May 2018

413 This morning I heard these words: From today until the [celebration of the] Resurrection, you will not feel My presence, but your soul will be filled with great longing.

And immediately a great longing filled my soul; I felt a separation from my beloved Jesus, and when the moment for Holy Communion came, I saw the suffering Face of Jesus in every Host [contained] in the chalice. From that moment, I felt a more intense yearning in my heart. 414 On Good Friday, at three o‟clock in the afternoon, when I entered the chapel, I heard these words: I desire that the image be publicly (173) honored.Then I saw the Lord Jesus dying on the Cross amidst great suffering, and out of the Heart of Jesus came the same two rays as are in the image. 127 415 Saturday. During Vespers, I saw the Lord Jesus radiant as the sun, in a bright garment, and He said to me,May your heart be joyful. And great joy flooded me, and I was penetrated with God‟s presence, which for the soul, is a treasure beyond words. 416 When the image was displayed, 94 I saw a sudden movement of the hand of Jesus, as He made a large sign of the cross. In the evening of the same day, when I had gone to bed, I saw the image going over the town, and the town was covered with what appeared to be a mesh and nets. As Jesus passed, He cut through all the nets and finally made a large sign of the cross and disappeared. I saw myself surrounded by a multitude of malicious figures burning with hatred for me. Various threats came from their lips, but none of them touched me. After a moment, this apparition vanished, but for a long time I could not get to sleep. 4