
Tuesday 8 August 2017

Today I was cleaning the room of one of the sisters. Although I was trying to clean it with utmost care, she kept following me all the time and saying,

You've left a speck of dust here and a spot on the floor there.” At each of her remarks I did each place over a dozen times (91 ) just to satisfy her. It is not work that makes me tired, but all this talking and excessive demands. My whole day‟s martyrdom was not enough for her, so she went to the Directress and complained, “Mother, who is this careless sister who doesn't know how to work quickly?” The next day, I went again to do the same job, without trying to explain myself. When she started driving me, I thought, “Jesus, one can be a silent martyr; it is not the work that wears you out, but this kind of martyrdom.” 182 I learned that certain people have a special gift for vexing others. They try you as best they can. The poor soul that falls into their hands can do nothing right; her best efforts are maliciously criticized.