
Saturday 15 July 2017

1367 ...... O my Lord, while calling to mind all Your blessings,

in the presence of Your Most Sacred Heart, I have felt the need to be particularly grateful for so many graces and blessings from God. I want to plunge myself in thanksgiving before the Majesty of God and to continue in this prayer of thanksgiving for seven days and seven nights; and although I will outwardly carry out all my duties, my spirit will nonetheless stand continually before the Lord, and all my exercises will be imbued with the spirit of thanksgiving. Each evening, I will kneel for a half hour in my cell, alone with the Lord. As often as I shall awake at night, (21 ) I shall steep myself in a prayer of thanksgiving. In this way I want to repay, at least in some small way, for the immensity of God‟s blessings.