
Tuesday 21 March 2017

901 There is a certain person who tests my patience.

I must devote much time to her. When I talk with her, I feel that she is lying, and this,continually. And because she tells me about things far away which I cannot verify, she is able to get away with the lie. But I am inwardly convinced that there is no truth in what she says. When it occurred to me once that I might be mistaken and that she might be telling the truth, I asked the Lord Jesus to give me the following sign: if she is really lying, let her admit to me herself that she has lied about any one of the things concerning which I am inwardly convinced that she is lying. And if she is telling the truth, let the Lord Jesus take this conviction away from me. A little later, she came to me again and said, “Sister, I beg your forgiveness, but I have lied about such and such a thing,” and I understood that the inner light concerning that person had not misled me.