
Wednesday 8 February 2017

1180 June [July] 15, 1937. Once, I learned that I was to be transferred to another house.

My knowledge of this was purely interior. At the same time, I heard a voice in my soul:Do not be afraid, My daughter; it is My will that you should remain here. Human plans will be thwarted, since they must conform to My will. 1181 When I was close to the Lord, He said to me, Why are you afraid to begin the work which I have commanded you to carry out? “Why do You leave me on my own at such times, Jesus, and why do I not feel Your presence?” My daughter, even though you do not perceive Me in the most secret depths of your heart, you still cannot say that I am not there. I only remove from you the awareness of My presence, and that should not be an obstacle to the carrying out of My will. I do this to achieve My unfathomable ends, which you will know of later on. My daughter, know without doubt, and once and for all, that only mortal sin drives Me out of a soul, and nothing else.