
Thursday 10 November 2016

1718 To stay at Your feet, O hidden God, Is the delight and paradise of my soul.

Here, You give me to know You, O incomprehensible One, And You speak to me sweetly: Give Me, give Me your heart. Silent conversation, alone with You, Is to experience what heavenly beings enjoy, And to say to God, “I will, I will give You my heart, O Lord,” While You, O great and incomprehensible One, accept it graciously. Love and sweetness are my soul‟s life, And Your unceasing presence in my soul. I live on earth in constant rapture, And like a Seraph I repeat, “Hosanna!” O You Who are hidden, body, soul and divinity, Under the fragile form of bread, You are my life from Whom springs an abundance of graces; And, for me, You surpass the delights of heaven. When you unite Yourself with me in Communion, O God, I then feel my unspeakable greatness, (86) A greatness which flows from You, O Lord, I humbly confess, And despite my misery, with Your help, I can become a saint.