
Wednesday 23 November 2016

1239 O living Host, O hidden Jesus. You see the condition of my soul.

Of myself, I am unable to utter Your Holy Name. I cannot bring forth from my hart the fire of love but, kneeling at Your feet, I cast upon the Tabernacle the gaze of my soul, a gaze of faithfulness. As for You, You are ever the same, while within my soul a change takes place. I trust that the time will come when You will unveil Your countenance, and Your child will again see Yo9ur sweet face. I am astonished, Jesus, that You can hide Yourself from me for so long and that You can restrain the enormous love You have for me. In the dwelling of my heart, I am listening and waiting for Your coming, O only Treasure of my heart! 1240 The Lord Jesus greatly protects His representatives on earth. How closely He is united with them; and He orders me to give priority to their opinion over His. I have come to know the great intimacy which exists between Jesus and the priest. Jesus defends whatever the priest says, and often complies with his wishes, and sometimes makes His own relationship with a soul depending on the priest‟s advice. O Jesus, through a special grace, I have come to know very clearly to what extent You have shared your power and mystery with them, more so than with the Angels. I rejoice in this, for it is all for my good.