
Wednesday 19 October 2016

951 + O incomprehensible and limitless Mercy Divine,

To extol and adore You worthily, who can? Supreme attribute of Almighty God, You are the sweet hope for sinful man.Into one hymn yourselves unite, stars, earth and sea, and in one accord, thankfully and fervently sing of the incomprehensible Divine Mercy. 952 (298) My Jesus, You see that Your holy will is everything to me. It makes no difference to me what You do with me. You command me to set to work – and I begin calmly, although I know that I am incapable of it; through Your representatives, You order me to wait – so I wait patiently; You fill my soul with enthusiasm – but You do not make it possible for me to act; You attract me to Yourself in heaven – and You leave me in this world; You pour into my soul a great yearning for Yourself – and You hide Yourself from me. I am dying of the desire to be united with You forever, and You do not let death come near me. O will of God, you are the nourishment and delight of my soul. When I submit to the holy will of my God, a deep peace floods my soul. O my Jesus, You do not give a reward for the successful performance of a work, but for the good will and the labor undertaken. Therefore, I am completely at peace, even if all my undertakings and efforts should be thwarted or should come to naught. If I do (299) all that is in my power, the rest is not my business. And therefore the greatest storms do not disturb the depths of my peace; the will of God dwells in my conscience.