
Friday 14 October 2016

1462 January 6, 1938. Today, when the chaplain [Father Theodore] brought the Lord Jesus, a light issued from the Host, its light striking my heart and filling me with a great fire of love.

Jesus was letting me know that I should answer the inspirations of grace with more faithfulness, and that my vigilance should be more subtle. 1463 + The Lord also gave me to know that many bishops were considering the question of this Feast, as well as a certain lay person. Some were enthusiastic about this work of God, while others regarded it with disbelief; but in spite of everything, the result was great glory for the (69) work of God. Mother Irene and Mother Mary Joseph were giving some kind of a report to these dignitaries, but they were being questioned, not so much about the work, as about myself. As regards the work itself, there was no doubt, since the glory of God was already being proclaimed.