
Wednesday 14 September 2016

1654 J.M.J. O truth, O thorny life, In order to pass through you victoriously It is necessary to lean on You, O Christ,

And to be always close to You. I would not know how to suffer without You, O Christ. Of myself I would not be able to brave adversities. Alone, I would not have the courage to drink from Your cup; But You, Lord, are always with me, and You lead me along mysterious paths. A weak child, I have begun the battle in Your Name. I have fought bravely, though often without success, (42) And I know that my efforts have pleased You, And I know that it is the effort alone which You eternally reward. O truth, O life-and-death struggle, When I rose to do battle, an inexperienced knight, I felt I had a knight‟s blood, though still a child, And therefore, O Christ, I needed Your help and protection. My heart will not rest from its efforts and struggle Until You Yourself call me from the field of battle. I will stand before You, not to receive a reward, But to be drowned in You, in peace forever.