

1501 + Now that I have difficulty sleeping at night, because my suffering won‟t allow it, I visit all the churches and chapels and, if only for a brief moment, I make an act of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. When I return to my chapel, I then pray for certain priests who proclaim and glory The Divine Mercy. I also pray for the intentions of the Holy Father and to obtain mercy for sinners – such are my nights. 1502 (107) January 20, 1938. I never cringe before anyone. I can‟t bear flattery, for humility is nothing but the truth. There is no cringing in true humility. Although I consider myself the least in the whole convent, on the other hand, I enjoy the honor of being the bride of Christ. Little matter that often I hear people say that I am proud, for I know that human judgment does not discern motives for our actions. 1503 When, at the beginning of my religious life, following the novitiate, I began to exercise myself particularly in humility, the humiliations that God sent me were not enough for me. And so, in my excessive zeal, I looked for more of them on my own, and I often represented myself to my superiors other than I was in reality and spoke of miseries of which I had no notion. But a short time later, Jesus gave me to know that humility is 335 only the truth. From that time on, I changed my ideas, faithfully following the light of Jesus. I learned that if a soul is with Jesus, He will not permit it to err. 1504 (108) + Lord, You know that since my youth I have always sought Your will and, recognizing it, have always tried to carry it out. My heart has been accustomed to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, to whom I am faithful. In the midst of the greatest din I have heard the voice of God. I always know what is going on in my interior……. 1505 I am striving for sanctity, because in this way I shall be useful to the Church. I make constant efforts in practicing virtue. I try faithfully to follow Jesus. And I deposit this whole series of daily virtues – silent, hidden, almost imperceptible, but made with great love – in the treasury of God‟s Church for the common benefit of souls. I feel interiorly as if I were responsible for all souls. I know very well that I do not live for myself alone, but for the entire Church……. 1506 + O incomprehensible God, my heart dissolves in joy that You have allowed me to penetrate the mysteries of Your mercy! (109) Everything begins with Your mercy and ends with Your mercy. 1507 All grace flows from mercy, and the last hour abounds with mercy for us. Let no one doubt concerning the goodness of God; even if a person‟s sins were as dark as night, God‟s mercy is stronger than our misery. One thing alone is necessary: that the sinner set ajar the door of his heart, be it ever so little, to let in a ray of God‟s merciful grace, and then God will do the rest. But poor is the soul who has shut the door on God‟s mercy, even at the last hour. It was just such souls who plunged Jesus into deadly sorrow in the Garden of Olives; indeed, it was from His Most Merciful Heart that divine mercy flowed out. 1508 January 21, [1938]. Jesus, how truly dreadful it would be to suffer if it were not for You. But it is You, Jesus, stretched out on the cross, who give me strength and are always close to the suffering soul. Creatures will abandon a person in his suffering, but You, O Lord, are faithful….. 1509 (110) It often happens when one is ill, as in the case of Job in the Old testament, that as long as one can move about and work, everything is fine and dandy; but when God sends illness, somehow or other, there are fewer friends about. But yet, there are some. They still take interest in our suffering and all that, but if God sends a longer illness, even those faithful friends slowly begin to desert us. They visit us less frequently, and often their visits cause suffering. Instead of comforting us, they reproach us about certain things, which is an occasion of a good deal of suffering. And so the soul, like Job, is alone; but fortunately, it is not alone, because Jesus-Host is with it. After having tasted the above sufferings and spent a whole night in bitterness, the next morning, when the chaplain [Father Theodore] brought me Holy Communion, I had to control myself by sheer effort of will to keep from crying out at the top of my voice, “Welcome, my true and only Friend.” Holy Communion gives me strength to suffer and fight. I wish to speak of one more thing that I have experienced: when God gives (1 11 ) neither death nor health, and [when] this lasts for many years, people become 336 accustomed to this and consider the person as not being ill. Then there begins a whole series of silent sufferings. Only God knows how many sacrifices the soul makes. 1510 One evening, when I was feeling so bad that I wondered how I would get back to my cell, I came across the Sister Assistant [Sister Seraphina], who was asking one of the sisters of the first choir to go to the gate with a certain message. But when she saw me, she said to her, “No, Sister, you need not go, but Sister Faustina will, because it is raining heavily.” In answered, “All right,” and went and carried out the order, but only God knows the whole of it. This is just one example among many. Sometimes it would seem that a sister of the second choir232 is made of stone, but she also is human and has a heart and feelings….. 1511 At such times, God Himself comes to our rescue, for otherwise the soul would not be able to bear these crosses of which I haven‟t even begun to write, nor do I intend to do so now. But when I feel the inspiration to do so, I will write about them……. 1512 (112) Today, during Mass, I saw the Lord Jesus in the midst of His sufferings, as though dying on the cross. He said to me, My daughter, meditate frequently on the sufferings which I have undergone for your sake, and then nothing of what you suffer for Me will seem great to you. You please Me most when you meditate on My Sorrowful Passion. Join your little sufferings to My Sorrowful Passion, so that they may have infinite value before My Majesty. 1513 + Jesus said to me today, You often call Me your Master. This is pleasing to MyHeart; but do not forget, My disciple, that you are a disciple of a crucified Master. Let that one word be enough for you. You know what is contained in the cross. 1514 + I have learned that the greatest power is hidden in patience. I see that patience always leads to victory, although not immediately; but that victory will become manifest after many years. Patience is linked to meekness.1515 (113) + I spent this whole night with Jesus in the dark dungeon. This was a night of adoration. The sisters were praying in the chapel, and I was uniting myself with them in spirit, because poor health prevents me from going to the chapel. But all night long I could not fall asleep, so I spent the night in the dark prison with Jesus. Jesus gave me to know of the sufferings He experienced there. The world will learn about them on the day of judgment.1516 My daughter, tell souls that I am giving them My mercy as a defense. I Myself am fighting for them and am bearing the just anger of My Father. 1517 Say, My daughter, that the Feast of My Mercy has issued forth from My very depths for the consolation of the whole world. 1518 Jesus, my peace and my rest, I beg You to give light to that sister, so that she may change interiorly. Support her powerfully with Your grace, so that she, too, may attain perfection. 1519 (114) + Today before Holy Communion, the Lord said to me, My daughter, today talk openly to the Superior [Mother Irene] about My mercy because, of all the superiors, 337 she has taken the greatest part in proclaiming My mercy. And in fact, Mother Superior came this afternoon, and we talked about this Work of God. Mother told me that the images had not come out too well and were not selling very well. “But,” she said, “I have taken a good quantity myself and am distributing them whenever I can and do the best I can to spread the Work of Mercy.” When she had gone, the Lord gave me to know how pleasing this soul was to Him. 1520 Today the Lord said to me, I have opened My Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all souls draw life from it. Let them approach this sea of mercy with great trust. Sinners will attain justification, and the just will be confirmed in good. Whoever places his trust (115) in My mercy will be filled with My divine peace at the hour of death. 1521 The Lord said to me, My daughter, do not tire of proclaiming My mercy. In this way you will refresh this Heart of Mine, which burns with a flame of pity for sinners. Tell My priests that hardened sinners will repent on hearing their words when they speak about My unfathomable mercy, about the compassion I have for them in My Heart. To priests who proclaim and extol My mercy, I will give wondrous power; I will anoint their words and touch the hearts of those to whom they will speak.1522 Community life is difficult in itself, but it is doubly difficult to get along with proud souls. O god, give me a deeper faith that I may always see in every sister Your Holy Image which has been engraved in her soul…. 1523 (116) Everlasting love, pure flame, burn in my heart ceaselessly and deify my whole being, according to Your infinite pleasure by which You summoned me into existence and called me to take part in Your everlasting happiness. O merciful Lord, it is only out of mercy that You have lavished these gifts upon me. Seeing all these free gifts within me, with deep humility I worship Your incomprehensible goodness. Lord, my heart is filled with amazement that You, absolute Lord, in need of no one, would nevertheless stoop so low out of pure love for us. I can never help being amazed that the Lord would have such an intimate relationship with his creatures. That again is His unfathomable goodness. Every time I begin this meditation, I never finish it, because my spirit becomes entirely drowned in Him. What a delight it is to love with all the force of one‟s soul and to be loved even more in return, to feel and (117) experience this with the full consciousness of one's being. There are no words to express this.1524 January 25, 1938. My Jesus, how good and patient You are! You often look upon us as little children. We often beg You, but we don‟t know what for, because towards the end of the prayer, when You give us what we have asked for, we do not want to accept it.1525 One day, a certain sister came to me and asked me for prayers, telling me that she could no longer stand things as they were. “And so, please pray, Sister.” In answered that I would, and I began a novena to The Divine Mercy. I learned that God would give her the grace, but that she would once again be dissatisfied when she received it. However, I kept on praying as she had asked me to do. The next day, the same sister came looking for me, and when we again began to talk about the same thing, I told her, “You know, Sister, when we pray, we ought not force the Lord God to give us what we want, but we should rather submit to His holy will.” (118) But she thought that what she was asking for was indispensable. Toward the end of the novena, the sister came again and said, “O 338 Sister, the Lord Jesus has given me the grace, but now I am of a different mind. Please pray so that things will somehow be different again.” I answered, “Yes, I will pray, but that God‟s will be done in you, Sister, and not what you want.”1526 Most Merciful Heart of Jesus, protect us from the just anger of God.1527 + A certain sister is constantly persecuting me for the sole reason that God communes with me so intimately, and she thinks that this is all pretense on my part. When she thinks that I have done something amiss she says, “Some people have revelations, but commit such faults!” She has said this to all the sisters and always in a derogatory sense, in order to make me out as some sort of an oddity. One day, it caused me much pain to think that this insignificant drop which is the human brain can so easily scrutinize (119) the gifts of God. After Holy Communion, I prayed that the Lord would enlighten her, but nevertheless I learned that this soul will not attain perfection if she does not change her interior dispositions.1528 + When I complained to the Lord Jesus about a certain person [saying], “Jesus, how can this person pass judgment like that, even about an intention?” the Lord answered, Do not be surprised. That soul does not even know her own self, so how could she pass a fair judgment on another soul? 1529 Today I saw Father Andrasz at prayer. I also knew that he was interceding with the Lord for me. The Lord sometimes makes known to me who is praying for me.1530 I am keeping myself a bit in the background, as though this work of God did not interest me. I am not speaking about it at present, but my whole soul is steeped in prayer, and I am entreating God to be so good as to hasten this great gift; that is to say, the Feast of Mercy. And I see that Jesus is acting, and is Himself giving the directives as to how this is to be carried out. Nothing happens by accident.1531 (1 20) Today I said to the Lord Jesus, “Do You see how many difficulties there are [to be overcome] before they will believe that You Yourself are the author of this work? And even now, not everyone believes in it.” Be at peace, My child; nothing can oppose My will. In spite of the murmuring and hostility of the sisters, My will shall be done in you in all its fullness, down to the last detail of My wishes and My designs. Do not become sad about this; I too was a stumbling stone for some souls.1532 + Jesus complained to me of how painful to Him is the unfaithfulness of chosen souls,and My heart is even more wounded by their distrust after a fall. It would be less painful if they had not experienced the goodness of My heart.1533 I saw the anger of God hanging heavy over Poland. And now I see that if god were to visit our country with the greatest chastisements, that would still be great mercy because, for such grave transgressions, He could punish (121 ) us with eternal annihilation. I was paralyzed with fear when the Lord lifted the veil a little for me. Now I see clearly that chosen souls keep the world in existence to fulfill the measure [of justice]. 3391534 + I saw a certain priest‟s efforts in prayer. His prayer is similar to that of the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Olives. Oh, if that priest [probably [Father Sopocko] only knew how pleasing to God that prayer was!1535 O Jesus, I am locking myself in Your most merciful Heart as in a fortress, impregnable against the missiles of my enemies.1536 Today I found myself in the presence of a certain dying person who was approaching death in my home neighborhood. I supported her with my prayers and, after a few moments, I felt for a short while pain in my hands, feet and side……1537 (122) January 27, 1938. During Holy Hour today, Jesus complained to me about the ingratitude of souls: In return for My blessings, I get ingratitude. In return for My love, I get forgetfulness and indifference. My Heart cannot bear this.1538 At that moment, love for Jesus was enkindled so strongly in my heart that, offering myself for ungrateful souls, I immersed myself completely in Him. When I came to my senses, the Lord allowed me to taste a little of the ingratitude which flooded His Heart. This experience lasted for a short while.1539 Today I said to the Lord, “When will You take me to Yourself I‟ve been feeling so ill, and I‟ve been waiting for Your coming with such longing!” Jesus answered me, Be alwaysready; I will not leave you in this exile for long. My holy will must be fulfilled inyou. O Lord, if Your holy will has not yet been entirely fulfilled in me, here I am, ready for everything that you want, O Lord! (123) O my Jesus, there is only one thing which surprises me; namely, that You make so many secrets known to me; but that one secret – the hour of my death – You do not want to tell me. And the Lord answered me, Be at peace; I will let you know, but not just now. Ah, my Lord, I beg Your pardon for wanting to know this. You know very well why, because You know my yearning heart, which is eagerly going out to You. You know that I should not want to die even a minute before the time which You have appointed for me before the ages. Jesus listened with wondrous kindness to the outpourings of my heart.1540 (124) January 28, 1938. Today the Lord said to me, My daughter, write down these words: All those souls who will glorify My mercy and spread its worship, encouraging others to trust in My mercy, will not experience terror at the hour of death. My mercy will shield them in that final battle……
1541 My daughter, encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given to you. It pleases Me to grant everything they ask of Me by saying the chaplet. When hardened sinners say it, I will fill their souls with peace, and the hour of their death will be a happy one.
Write this for the benefit of distressed souls; when a soul sees and realized the gravity of its sins, when the whole abyss of the misery into which it immersed itself is displayed before its eyes, let it not despair, but with trust let it throw itself into the arms of My mercy, as a child into the arms of its beloved mother. These 340 souls (125) have a right of priority to My compassionate Heart, they have first access to My mercy. Tell them that no soul that has called upon My mercy has been disappointed or brought to shame. I delight particularly in a soul which has placed its trust in My goodness.
Write that when they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the merciful Savior.
1542 At that moment, the Lord gave me to know how jealous He is of my heart.
Even among the sisters you will feel lonely. Know then that I want you to unite yourself more closely to Me. I am concerned about every beat of your heart. Every stirring of your love is reflected in My Heart. I thirst for your love. “Yes, O Jesus, but my heart would not be able to live without You, either; for even if the hearts of all creatures were offered to me, they would not satisfy the depths of my heart.”
1543 (126) Today toward evening, the Lord said to me, Entrust yourself completely to Me at the hour of death, and I will present you to My Father as My bride. And now I recommend that you unite, in a special way, even your smallest deeds to My merits, and then My Father will look upon them with love as if they were My own.
1544 Do not change your particular examen which I have given you through Father Andrasz; namely, that you united yourself with Me continually. That is what I am clearly asking of you today. Be a child toward My representatives, because I borrow their lips to speak to you, so that you will have no doubts about anything.
1545 My health has improved somewhat. I went down to the refectory and the chapel today. I still cannot resume my duties, and so I stay in my cell at the hand-loom [making borders for altar linens]. I enjoy this work every much, but still, even with such light work, I tire easily. (127) I see how feeble I am. There are no indifferent moments in my life, since every moment of my life is filled with prayer, suffering and work. If not in one way, then in another, I glorify God; and if God were to give me a second life, I do not know whether I would make better use of it…..
1546 The Lord said to me, I am delighted with your love. Your sincere love is as
pleasing to My Heart as the fragrance of a rosebud at morningtide, before the sun has taken the dew from it. The freshness of your heart captivates Me; that is why I united Myself with you more closely than with any other creature…….
1547 Today I saw the efforts of this priest [Father Sopocko] concerning the affairs of God. His heart is beginning to taste that which filled God‟s Heart during His earthly life. In recompense for his efforts – ingratitude……. But he is very zealous for the glory of God….
1548 (128) January 30, 1938. One-day retreat. The Lord gave me to know, during meditation, that as long as my heart beats in my breast, I must always strive to spread the Kingdom of God on earth, I am to fight for the glory of my Creator. 341 I know that I will give God the glory He expects of me if I try faithfully to cooperate with God‟s grace.
1549 I want to live in the spirit of faith. I accept everything that comes my way as given me by the loving will of God, who sincerely desires my happiness. And so I will accept with submission and gratitude everything that God sends me. I will pay no attention to the voice of nature and to the promptings of self-love. Before each important action, I will stop to consider for a moment what relationship it has to eternal life and what may be the main reason for my undertaking it: is it for the glory of God, or for the good of my own soul, or for the good of the souls of others? If my heart says yes, then I will not swerve from carrying out the given action, (129) unmindful of either obstacles or sacrifices. I will not be frightened into abandoning my intention. It is enough for me to know that it is pleasing to God. On the other hand, if I learn that the action has nothing in common with what I have just mentioned, I will try to elevate it to a loftier sphere by means of a good intention. And if I learn that something flows from my self-love, I will cancel it out right from the start.
1550 In cases of doubt, I will not act, but will scrupulously seek clarifications from the priests, and in particular from my spiritual director. I will not give explanations on my own behalf when someone reproaches me or criticizes me, unless I am directly asked to bear witness to the truth. With great patience, I will listen when others open their hearts to me, accept their sufferings, give them spiritual comfort, but drown my own sufferings in the most merciful Heart of Jesus. I will never leave the depths of His mercy, while bringing the whole world into those depths.