Saturday 1 October 2016

232 +Before confession, I heard these words in my soul,

My daughter, tell him everything and reveal your soul to him as you do before Me.
Do not fear anything. It is to keep you in peace that I place this priest between your soul and Myself. The words he will speak to you are My words. Reveal to him your soul‟s greatest secrets, I will give him light to know your soul. 233 When I approached the confessional, I felt so much at ease in my soul about speaking of everything that, later on, I myself was astounded. His answers brought a great peace into my soul. His words were, are, and always will be pillars of fire which enlightened and will go on enlightening my soul in its pursuit of the greatest sanctity. The directions I received from Father Andrasz I have noted on another page in this notebook [cf. Diary no.55].